Over the last year we have encountered multiple issues with R1soft backups. From database restores failing to backups taking over 12 hours, it has been issue after issue with this backup solution. We have contacted R1 support several times, but there is never a solution. This has become an issue for many hosting providers and R1soft provides no fixes for these issues.
For the past year or so, we have been running JetBackup on our Shared and Reseller packages. It has performed very well and clients have reported they are very happy with the system. It offers the same functions and actually even more for the end user. From cpanel you can restore databases, emails, dns zones, and files seperately. This can all be done straight from cpanel with just a few clicks.
Because JetBackup performs so well, we can keep the same backup schedule of 4 times a day, with a retention of 14 days of daily/hourly backups and 12 weekly backups. This means at any time you will have access to 28 daily (6 hour) backups and 12 weekly backups.
- Quarta, Janeiro 3, 2018