This will teach how to review emails sent to you in the client area. It is important that you stay current on the email in your client area. Your hosting company often will generate important email that you need to keep, so it is sent here so that you can easily retain a copy of it. This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the MonsterMegs Customer Portal. If you are having problems doing that, or don't know how, please view the tutorial named "How to Login to the Client Area".

On the main client area menu, click on the My Emails link, which is the last link. This takes you to a page called My Emails, which is a complete history of all email messages your hosting company has sent to you, and any you have sent to them through the MonsterMegs Customer Portal. It includes invoices, order confirmations, supports tickets, payment confirmations, and more. Just click on the Message Subject to read the email.

Be sure to check this area often, so that you can see what emails are being sent to you through the the MonsterMegs Customer Portal system. Now click the Client Area link in the You are Here line. This returns you to the client area, and the end of this tutorial. You now know how to review your email sent to you in the MonsterMegs Customer Portal.

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