14th Apr 2014
OpenSSL (Heartbleed) Patched on all MonsterMegs Servers
As of 9:30AM (CST) on April 8, 2014, all MonsterMegs servers vulnerable to CVE-2014-0160 (Heartbleed) OpenSSL security bug have been patched. This security vulnerability is a widespread issue affecting operating systems globally and not an issue specific to MonsterMegs. OpenSSL is a toolkit which implements SSL/TLS protocols as well ...
20th Jan 2014
Now Offering Discounted WHMCS Billing Management Licenses
We are happy to announce that we are now offering discounted WHMCS licenses to our reseller hosting customers. WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support automation solution for online businesses. Our WHMCS licenses are available for only $12.95/m and are $3.00 cheaper than getting your licenses straight from ...
17th Nov 2013
Semi-Dedicated Rebranding
For some time now, there has been a confusion of what Semi-Dedicated Hosting really is. Some providers brand Semi-Dedicated as a VPS server or like our plans, it is an enhanced shared hosting plan with increased resources, limited number of accounts per server, and more freedom than our regular shared hosting. Because of this we felt it was time ...
3rd Mar 2013
Our Semi-Dedicated Plans Just Got Better
This week our Semi-Dedicated plans just got a couple upgrades. The first upgrade is that we have doubled the bandwidth for free on all SD packages. A nice little present for our current and new customers. :)The second upgrade that is coming this week is the introduction of CloudLinux to our Semi-Dedicated Line. CloudLinux is a ...