How to solve issue with Wordpress related to using LiteSpeed Webserver

When you or your host are using LiteSpeed as a webserver it can on rare occasions cause problems with Wordpress.

This is due to LiteSpeed killing processes that take too long to run.

Consequently some addons that you may have installed in your Wordpress installs for example backup plugins or Wordfence may have trouble finishing.

To resolve this you need to tell LiteSpeed to not abort these processes.

You do this by adding some code right at the top of your .htaccess file which you can find in your website files.

Open .htaccess up and paste this right at the top*

# BEGIN litespeed noabort
<IfModule rewrite_module>
        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule .* - [E=noabort:1]
# END litespeed noabort

And save it!

*It is important that if you are not having any issues not to use this so you continue to get the best out of LiteSpeed.

This code will let LiteSpeed know not to abort processes that are taking sometime.

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