It's really easy to secure your website on your MonsterMegs hosting plan with a browser-trusted free SSL Certificate, courtesy of the Let's Encrypt project.
Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA), run for the public's benefit. Let's Encrypt is a service provided by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG).
The key principles behind Let's Encrypt are:
- Free: Anyone who owns a domain name can use Let's Encrypt to obtain a trusted certificate at zero cost.
- Automatic: Software running on a web server can interact with Let's Encrypt to painlessly obtain a certificate, securely configure it for use, and automatically take care of renewal.
- Secure: Let's Encrypt will serve as a platform for advancing TLS security best practices, both on the CA side and by helping site operators properly secure their servers.
- Transparent: All certificates issued or revoked will be publicly recorded and available for anyone to inspect.
- Open: The automatic issuance and renewal protocol will be published as an open standard that others can adopt.
- Cooperative: Much like the underlying Internet protocols themselves, Let's Encrypt is a joint effort to benefit the community, beyond the control of any one organization.
All our Shared, Reseller, and Semi-Dedicated hosting services allow you to install free and trusted SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt. Our servers have AutoSSL enabled meaning we will attempt to automatically install an SSL certificate on all your domains. However you can mass install your certificates manually directly through cPanel with a few clicks:
- Your domain MUST be pointing and fully resolved to our server or the certificate generation will fail.
- Let's Encrypt certificates should not be used for any domain processing online transactions such as Paypal, Credit Card payments, etc. These free certificates offer no warranties as compared to other SSL Certificates such as RapidSSL and a Comodo EV SSL Certificate. Warranty is an insurance for an end user against loss of money when submitting a payment on an SSL-secured site.
- Login to cPanel for your account (login details can be found in your client area).
- Once you've logged in to cPanel, search for the "SSL/TLS Status" interface. Click on the "SSL/TLS Status" icon.
- By default all of your domains will be included in AutoSSL. To install an SSL certificate on all eligible domains, simply click "Run AutoSSL"
- cPanel will change the status of your SSL installations to "AutoSSL is in progress...". This can take up to 10 minutes to complete.
- When the process completes the button will change back to "Run AutoSSL". Your domains should also list a new status of "AutoSSL Domain Validated" for a successful installation.