If you wish to cancel a service, you can do so from under your hosting service details. You would find this by going to the main dashboard in our portal and then clicking "Services" and then selecting the hosting/service plan in question. You will then see the option to request a cancellation.

There are two options; immediate & end of billing term. Please be sure you have made backups of ALL data before requesting a cancellation as all data will be removed at the term specification for the cancellation.

Note: We do not accept cancellation requests via e-mail or support tickets.  The only way to cancel your account is to request cancellation via the above mentioned method; we do this for your security as the authenticity of an e-mail cannot always be verified.  We may request further identification verification in some circumstances.

Once the cancellation request has been received, you will receive an email confirmation. If you change your mind, please get in touch with us immediately to avoid service interruption or data loss.
A cancellation/termination must be made on or before your next invoice due date, otherwise you will be charged the full invoice amount and the cancellation/termination request will not become effective until the next following invoice due date.

You can find more information about account cancellation and refund policy in our official Terms of Service

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