The server clock is set to Central Standard Time. You cannot change the time on a shared server's clock.

You can change the time zone being displayed with a PHP script. (Unfortunately, we cannot tell you where to put this code. You will need to consult with the program developer.) Here are two sample codes:


You can set the timezone in .htaccess as well. (You can create a New File and name it ".htaccess", or you can edit the existing one. The .htaccess file belongs in /public_html/ - or a subdirectory if for a subdomain or addon domain). Add the line:

SetEnv TZ America/Indianapolis

Here is a list of supported timezones.

How do I change the timestamp on my emails?

Each webmail client has a timezone setting, which is set to the server clock by default.


  1. Go inside the webmail program and click Options at the top.
  2. Click the first link called Personal Information.
  3. Under Timezone Options, look for "Your current timezone:"
  4. Change the drop down to your time zone.
  5. Click the Submit button.


  1. Go inside the webmail program and click Options at the top.
  2. Click the second link called Locale and Time.
  3. Look for "Your current time zone:"
  4. Change the drop down to your time zone.
  5. Click the Save Options button.


  1. Go inside the webmail program and click Personal Settings at the top right.
  2. Under User Interface, look for "Time zone"
  3. Change the drop down to your time zone.
  4. Click the Save button.

Outlook 2007 - At any time, you can change the time zone in Outlook so that it matches your current geographic location. Please consult the Outlook Help menu for assistance with other versions.

  1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. Click Calendar Options.
  3. Click Time Zone.
  4. Under Current time zone, type a name for the current time zone in the Label box.
  5. In the Time zone list, click the time zone that you want to use.
  6. If you want your computer clock to automatically adjust for daylight saving time (DST) changes, select the Adjust for daylight saving time check box. This option is available only in time zones that use daylight saving time (DST).
  7. Click OK and you are done.

Thunderbird - A Mozilla application has no clock of its own. It uses your system clock. Your system clock is controlled by your operating system settings. So, HostGator does not control this one. Read more...

MacMail - You can set your computer's date, time, and time zone so that the date and time appear correctly in the menu bar clock, Finder windows, Mail, and other applications. Read more...

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